ReactFoo Delhi

16 November 2019, India International Centre, Max Mueller Marg, New Delhi

On React, front-end engineering and performance.

After a successful edition in Delhi in 2018, we are back with the 2019 edition of ReactFoo Delhi.

ReactFoo Delhi will feature talks on the following topics:

  • UI improvements with React
  • Case studies of patterns and anti-patterns when running React on the front-end
  • Component architecture where your app contains React and other components such as Angular, Vue, Ember, and others
  • React Native and why it has worked for your use case
  • Performance improvements with React, including metrics data and before-after scenarios

ReactFoo Delhi is an event for JavaScript, React and front-end engineers.

ReactFoo Delhi is a single-day event with talks and Birds Of Feather (BOF) sessions.

Hands-on workshops for 30-40 participants will be held on next day of the conference. Tickets have to be purchased separately.

Who should attend?

  • Front-end engineers
  • JS engineers from enterprises.
  • JS engineers from startups.
  • Architects.
  • Cross-platform mobile developers.
  • Everyone interested in building performant apps

Why you should attend?

  • To learn from and network with peers from the industry.
  • To gain insights from case studies of practical implementation, and evaluate ReactJS and React Native for your work.
  • To make your web applications faster and performant.

Call for Proposals

We are currently accepting talk proposal submissions

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India International Centre (IIC), Main Building, CD Deshmukh Auditorium, Max Mueller Marg, Lodhi Gardens, New Delhi - 110003.


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